Arborists are experts in the care, maintenance and protection of trees. They work in both residential and commercial settings and provide a variety of services to a wide range of clients, including homeowners, local governments, developers, contractors and insurance professionals. They are licensed and insured, ensuring their clients receive safe, accurate and professional service.
Consulting arborists offer a variety of expert services, such as hazard tree assessments, tree appraisals and management plans. They are also available for expert witness testimony and can assist with legal cases involving trees.
One of the most important things an arborist can do is prepare a tree preservation plan for a development site. These comprehensive reports include a detailed tree inventory and analysis of the proposed project area. They will also recommend mitigation measures to avoid damage to existing trees during construction. Arborists often work with other technical teams, such as air quality and biological resources to ensure the plan addresses any impacts on adjacent trees and communities.
During the planning phase of a project, an arborist will work with a lead agency to make sure that the necessary permits are in place and that any existing tree preservation requirements are addressed. This includes identifying any tree protection zones and clarifying city or county policies that may impact the project. It is also a time to consider any tree removal requirements, such as maximum height and diameter at breast height. Arborists will also determine the viability of existing trees to be planted in a new location.
Pruning is a complex task that requires specialized equipment and a deep understanding of a tree’s health, structure and vigor. Improper pruning can result in a lopsided appearance and invite pests and diseases to the wounds left behind. An experienced arborist can prune a tree safely while leaving it looking attractive and improving the overall health of the plant.
An arborist can complete a tree appraisal, which is helpful for homeowners and local government agencies to know the value of their trees. This can be useful for a number of reasons, such as determining compensation in case of a severe storm damage or an upcoming tree sale.
Many municipalities require a consultant arborist to be present during all work done in designated Tree Protection Zones, and for any demolition or construction that may affect existing trees. These specialists can help to expedite the permit process and ensure that the right conditions are in place for tree preservation. They can also serve as a resource to the contractor to ensure that any approved conditions are adhered to during the course of the work, and that any violations are immediately corrected. For the best results, the arborist should be in contact with the contractor and the lead agency throughout the entire project to guarantee compliance. FCS’s team of highly experienced consultants are well suited to this role. We have worked on projects all across the country and have a great reputation for our ability to provide accurate evaluations, collaborate with lead agencies, and successfully get projects through the permitting process.
from Treby Tree Services
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